Pathway to Excellence® Designation Consulting
Your most direct route to Pathway to Excellence® Designation.
We have over 50 years of experience in ANCC designation and re-designation. Our clients include systems, large academic medical centers, community hospitals, specialty providers including pediatrics, orthopedic, women, and cancer centers, as well as international organizations. We are experts on the structures and processes it takes to achieve a successful Pathway to Excellence® journey. We also create a seamless transition from Pathway to Excellence® to Magnet® recognition should you decide to continue to deepen your culture of excellence.
The services you may need include:
- Pathway to Excellence® Support: Full-spectrum support including structure and process development, Organization Demographic Form®(ODF®) completion, coaching and mentoring on the Elements of Performance (EOPs), document review and set- up, and survey preparation.
- Readiness Assessment (Gap Analysis): Ground your planning and implementation with this comprehensive and individualized organizational assessment.
- Re-designation Vulnerabilities Assessment: Discover where you are in relation to the current ANCC Pathway to Excellence® requirements and uncover your vulnerabilities.
- Shared Governance Support: Create or enhance the infrastructure of your shared governance.
- Pathway Program Coordinator (PPC) Coaching/Mentoring: We support and mentor PPCs regardless of their level of experience.
- Pathway to Excellence® to Magnet® Designation Transition: When the time is right we create a plan and support for a smooth bridge to your Magnet® designation journey. Creative Health Care Insight Professional Portfolio Data Vault

MAGNET®, Magnet Recognition Program®, ANCC Magnet Recognition®, Journey to Magnet Excellence®, Pathway to Excellence® Program, Pathway to Excellence in Long Term Care®, Demographic Data Collection Tool®, DDCT®, Practice Transition Accreditation Program® (PTAP) are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The products and services of Creative Health Care Management are neither sponsored nor endorsed by ANCC. All rights reserved. The content presented in here is the expressed opinion of the author/presenter and not that of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
You Need an Experienced Guide
Our journey experts cater to your specific needs and will guide you to a successful Pathway to Excellence® designation or re-designation.

Which Journey to Take? Pathway to Excellence® or Magnet®?
Both Pathway to Excellence® and Magnet® are grounded in cultural transformation focused on achieving health care excellence, but there are some important differences between the two programs. Pathway to Excellence® emphasizes positive practice environments where nurses flourish, and Magnet® focuses on excellence in nursing and quality patient care. Although both programs follow a similar designation application process there are differences in the requirements. Pathway to Excellence® does not include an onsite visit, it’s not required for the Chief Nursing Officer to have a master’s degree or for nurse leaders to have a minimum of a BSN degree, the organization is not required to belong to an external database of nurse sensitive indicators, and the fees are significantly less.

ANCC Nurse Survey Preparation

Cultivating Excellence Within Your Team
If your organization is on a path to national recognition, accreditation, or designation, you’re likely focused on cultivating excellence within your teams. Excellence is a moving target and an ongoing destination. However, there are foundational structures and processes that any organization can enhance or put into place that will enable the organization to soar toward excellence. Here are the top three foundational elements to focus on: information sharing with staff, shared governance, and evidence-based practice. Information sharing with staff is critical—you must share information about the organization with clinical staff, point of service, and point of care workers because they can make an impact on improvements. Shared governance is one of the most effective ways to improve patient outcomes, increase engagement, and increase staff satisfaction. Evidence-based practice is an important foundational structure for the work in health care organizations for their patients and families. Improving foundational structures and processes is a great way to start the journey that ultimately will lead to improved outcomes in your organization.

Pathway to Excellence® and the Importance of Wellbeing
Now more than ever organizations are realizing the importance of keeping employees healthy and happy. Pathway to Excellence® organizations have been focused on nurse and staff Wellbeing for years. It’s one of the key reasons nurses want to work at a Pathway designated organization and why organizations that have obtained designation retain their employees. Encouraging self-care, care of colleagues, and healthy practices within our teams helps to ensure personal and professional health. Proactively providing resources to support the mental and physical health of nurses promotes a positive practice environment and creates a culture of recognition and support.

The Power of Opportunity
Each day, not just each new year, presents itself with opportunities. Opportunities to learn and grow as nurses, leaders, and advocates committed to nursing excellence and advancing the health and

Advancing Professional Practice
When asked if nursing is a profession, the response is an overwhelming YES. Yet, when asked what makes that so, most struggle to explain. Is it our education? Is it

“Love Bombing” with Grady Memorial Hospital
Creative Health Care Management would like to acknowledge Leah Satonica and Rachel Algeo, authors of “Designing a Supportive Culture to Flourish Together” published in the December 2024 Journal of Nursing