Magnet® Consulting

Proven Success of Magnet Recognition

If you are on a Magnet journey, your #1 predictor of success is an experienced guide, like Creative Health Care Management. We have experience as successful Magnet Program Directors and key stakeholders who know exactly what it takes to become the type of organization the ANCC is proud to recognize.

We are experts in the inner workings of this complex, multiyear journey, and provide the comprehensive, expert support organizations need to earn Magnet designation or re-designation.

The Services You May Need

  • Comprehensive Magnet Journey Support: Full-spectrum support including structure and process development, DDCT® mentoring, document review and set-up, as well as site visit preparation with mock site visits.
  • Readiness Assessment (Gap Analysis): Ground your planning and implementation with this comprehensive organizational assessment.
  • Re-designation Vulnerabilities Assessment: Discover where you are in relation to the current ANCC Magnet requirements and uncover your vulnerabilities.
  • Shared Governance Support: Create or enhance the infrastructure of your shared governance.
  • Professional Practice Model Framework and Care Delivery System Design: Maximize staff engagement and their ability to articulate how it drives practice. Increase the impact of your care delivery model with a framework that supports your organization’s vision.
  • Professional Advancement Programs (Clinical Ladders): Foster advanced professional nursing performance, excellence in nursing practice, and professional growth. Create a framework that benefits the individual and the organization.
  • Peer Review and Feedback: Develop systems that enhance professional performance.
  • Data Management to Drive Practice: Leverage nurse-sensitive data that is meaningful to those who can change practice—staff at the bedside.
  • Magnet Program Director (MPD) Coaching/Mentoring: We support and mentor MPDs regardless of their level of experience. We also offer a virtual course, Facilitating the Journey to Excellence: Magnet® Program Director (MPD) Core Competencies.
The Services You May Need Include | Magnet | CHCM

Engaging in focus groups and interviews

Improve your chances for successful Magnet designation. Call us today, and remember, you do not have to be using Relationship-Based Care to benefit from our consultative support.

MAGNET®, Magnet Recognition Program®, ANCC Magnet Recognition®, Journey to Magnet Excellence®, Pathway to Excellence® Program, Pathway to Excellence in Long Term Care®, Demographic Data Collection Tool®, DDCT®, Practice Transition Accreditation Program® (PTAP) are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The products and services of Creative Health Care Management are neither sponsored nor endorsed by ANCC. All rights reserved. The content presented in here is the expressed opinion of the author/presenter and not that of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).

Ensure a Successful Magnet® Designation

Our expert consultants have over 40 years of experience in Magnet designation and re-designation. We work with large academic medical systems, small community hospitals, specialty providers including pediatrics, orthopedic, women, and cancer centers, as well as international organizations.

Why Magnet? | Magnet | CHCM

Why Magnet®?

Many health care leaders seek national recognition, not as an end it itself, but as a journey to excellence and as a validation of the great work an organization is doing. When an organization pursues Magnet designation, teams throughout the organization will create, strengthen, and deepen structures and processes to meet the standards for extraordinary performance.

Recruitment and retention of a strong nursing and clinical workforce continue to be a top strategic priority for health care leaders. One of the most valued recognitions of distinction, when it comes to recruitment and retention of nursing is Magnet designation. Just under 10% of hospitals in the United States have achieved Magnet. Significantly, many hospitals see this designation as a key to their future success and survival.

FAQ on Choosing a Magnet Consultant | CHCM

FAQ on Choosing a Magnet® Consultant

You will put a lot of time, energy, and resources into creating a culture of excellence, and you don’t want that to slip. Creative Health Care Management works not only with organizations on designation and re-designation, but in the years leading up to and following designation.

CHCM will provide ongoing support so when it’s re-designation time, you won’t feel like you’re starting from scratch. There is a team of consultants ready to support your health care organization in all aspects of cultural transformation.

Magnet Program Director (MPD) Tips

Magnet® Consulting at Creative Health Care Management

At Creative Health Care Management we provide the best guidance for positive outcomes and improvement to our clients seeking Magnet recognition. Our consultants work through the lens of cultural transformation as opposed to a series of check boxed items that need to be done to attain designation or re-designation, This approach ensures enculturation and sustainability. Our experts help establish the structures and processes, and educational development necessary to get the results you desire.

Essential Steps to Magnet Readiness | Magnet | CHCM

Essential Steps to Magnet® Readiness

The journey to Magnet is long and intense under even the best circumstances. If you are considering embarking on this rewarding professional journey there are some essential things you will need to do to prepare. Conduct a readiness assessment so you fully understand where you’re starting from and your current challenges. Create a budget. Educate yourself and others.

Some of the steps that your organization can take for validation purposes include:

Assessing Readiness

Our readiness assessment is profoundly valuable because it defines your current reality and helps to ensure that you will be prepared and ready to meet the Magnet standards. We will partner with your organization to determine from the outset how best to use your internal resources and if external consultative support is necessary. Together we will develop a plan that will lead your team to a successful Magnet designation or re-designation.

Infrastructure Building

We will help you meet or maintain Magnet data requirements, build and achieve an effective shared governance system or any other work you may need to position your organization to apply for Magnet® designation.

Preparing Documents

Our team of Magnet experts offer the full range of document preparation services from document writing workshops, identification of narratives and appropriate placement within your document, to document review and feedback. Whatever the situation, we have the solution for you. Our strong history of clients going straight to site visit after their document submission is proof.

Coaching and Mentoring

We excel at coaching and mentoring members of your team from the CNO to the MPD to the clinical nurses to ensure they are knowledgeable and competent regarding the entire Magnet journey. As part of this mentoring, we work with you to create your project plan and timeline to keep your journey on track.

Site Visit Preparation

Site visit is one of the most exciting and at the same time, stressful times of your journey. Our team works with you to ensure the entire organization can excel. We conduct mock site visits during which we engage the entire organization. We work through site visit logistics with your team and most importantly, we foster the build of excitement and engagement needed during your site visit.

Networking and Education

There is no such thing as too much education when it comes to participating in a Magnet journey. People need to know how Magnet benefits the entire organization. Networking with people who have been involved in a successful Magnet journey can be extremely helpful. 

Feel the Pull: Creating a Culture of Nursing Excellence Third Edition

Feel the Pull: Creating a Culture of Excellence is for nurse executives and leaders, nursing professional…

Feel the Pull Button

A great way to reinforce staff support of your cultures of excellence initiatives! 1.5 inch round button.

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Feel the Pull: Creating a Culture of Nursing Excellence Third Edition

Feel the Pull: Creating a Culture of Excellence is for nurse executives and leaders, nursing professional development specialists, managers, Magnet® project coordinators and anyone else considering the pursuit of a designation or award for nursing excellence.

Feel the Pull Button

A great way to reinforce staff support of your cultures of excellence initiatives! 1.5 inch round button.