Creative Health Care Insight: Cloud Based Platform

Implementing This Platform Can Provide Substantial Savings and Significant Efficiencies for Your Organization

Creative Health Care Insight is a cloud-based platform comprised of two suites and multiple components:

Competency Suite

  • Ongoing Competency Component
  • Initial Competency Component
  • Relational Competency Assessment Component

Professional Portfolio Suite

  • Demographic Data Collection Component
  • Professional Advancement Component

The suite components can be used separately or as a fully integrated system. Full integration maximizes capabilities across multiple departments providing your organization with a full-service platform rather than patching solutions together.

Competency Suite

Ongoing Competency Component

The ONLY platform that empowers organizations to fully leverage The Wright Model of Competency Assessment.

Users are offered a variety of ways to satisfy the competency statement requirements. Reviews can quickly see, approve, and deny any competency verification of their assigned cycles.

Initial Competency Component

Coming in Spring of 2024!

Relational Competency Component

The Relational Insight Assessment (RI-360) and Leadership Insight Assessment (LI-360) offer users the ability to create individual, peer, supervisor, and direct reports assessments centered around a self-assessment. The reporting includes summarized and individual results, while exception reporting shows all users who have not satisfied requirements based on self/peer assessments.

Professional Portfolio Suite

Demographic Data Collection Component

Our fully customizable Demographic Data Collection component collects individual education and certification data that can then be effortlessly exported to fulfill the ANCC requirements for the DDCT® and ODF®.

Professional Advancement Component

This fully customizable advancement, achievement, and compensation tool can target programs that are points-based, requirement-based or both. Reviewers can quickly and easily verify any required documentation, and it all ties in with the DDCT® and ODF® reporting to keep users from rework and being required to upload previously collected data.

MAGNET®, Magnet Recognition Program®, ANCC Magnet Recognition®, Journey to Magnet Excellence®, Pathway to Excellence® Program, Pathway to Excellence in Long Term Care®, Demographic Data Collection Tool®, DDCT®, Practice Transition Accreditation Program® (PTAP) are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The products and services of Creative Health Care Management are neither sponsored nor endorsed by ANCC. All rights reserved. The content presented in here is the expressed opinion of the author/presenter and not that of the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).

Donna Wright's Competency Platform

Creative Health Care Insight was co-designed with Donna Wright, and is the only platform that empowers organizations to fully leverage The Wright.

Competency Suite

Save significant time and money by improving your ongoing competencymanagement processes. Our Ongoing Competencies component is efficient and exceeds the requirements of regulatory bodies by delivering customizable effective reports that track and document all the steps and considerations of the competency process. Co-designed with Donna Wright, users are able to seamlessly prioritize and manage their competency needs while tracking completion documentation for each employee. The platform helps organizations to embed strategic priorities into their annual competency process, leverage their shared governance structure, and empower their team to focus on the competencies necessary for their roles. If your competency assessment process is not meaningful and not aligned with your mission and values, it will be perceived as an ineffective redundant waste of time. Competencies can be filtered and prioritized for groups, departments by strategic goals, current population needs, quality data, and high-risk aspects.

Our Initial Competency component is in the development process and will be available in Spring of 2024.

Relational Competency Component

Assess the relational competence of all who interact with patients and families with the Relational Insight Assessment (RI-360) discovery tool. Customizable reports can be sorted by individual, unit, department, shift, job type, facility, organization, and more. Findings provide organizations with actionable insight that can be used to deepen essential relational behaviors; comprehensive e-learning modules help develop, enhance, and sustain relational competence.

Measure and analyze the leadership skills of your interprofessional leadership team with the Leadership Insight Assessment discovery tool. Our customizable process includes self-appraisal, peer feedback, supervisor/manager evaluations, and direct-report feedback. Individualized user dashboards highlight strengths, identify gaps, and track changes over time, empowering individuals and organizations to make their leadership development efforts more targeted and effective.

Professional Portfolio Suite

With access to Professional Portfolio Suite individuals and organizations can track, trend, and analyze data related to required education requirements, and certification achievements.

The Demographic Data Collection component drastically reduces the amount of time required to collect, track, and validate the key information required by ANCC for the Demographic Data Collection Tool® (DDCT®) and the Organization Demographic Form (ODF®). The information collected can be easily extracted and uploaded to the ANCC.

Creative Health Care Insight Cost Benefit Analysis

An organization with 3500 caregivers in their current competency system could save approximately $350,000 in year 1 using the Creative Health Care Insight Competency Prioritization and Management component. By year 5 they could have saved nearly 1.6 million. And this is a conservative estimate; it does not account for time offline from direct patient care, the cost of training, and other indirect costs. There are other intangible savings associate with the platform as well. It has shown to strengthen key components of Magnet® including shared governance and collaboration, which leads to autonomy and likelihood to stay in the job. Every hospital that saves 50 nurses from quitting saves $2 million on average.

Human Connection in Healthcare | CHCM

Human Connection in Healthcare

Human connection in healthcare is fundamental to delivering compassionate, effective, and patient-centered care. It involves recognizing the humanity in each patient, understanding their unique experiences and emotions, and building therapeutic

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