Top 10 | CHCM
By Sara Sullens

Top Ten Tips to Writing to the 2023 Magnet® Manual

All organizations submitting their ANCC Magnet® Document in 2024 are required to submit from the standards from the 2023 manual. Many organizations are currently in the process of writing their Magnet® Document. Writing to the 2023 Magnet® standards gives an organization and writing team the opportunity to highlight the dedicated efforts of the nurses and staff and the value of nursing to patients, the organization, and the community they serve. A Magnet® Document is the first opportunity for Magnet® Appraisers to learn about all the wonderful accomplishments and outcomes surrounding nursing. Take credit for all the hard work you and your nurses at all levels do!

Top Ten Tips for Writing a Magnet Document

In this article I will list the top 10 tips to writing to the Magnet® document from our past experiences with clients.

  1. Read and understand each standard and break down what it is asking for. Is it an empirical outcome (EO) or a non-empirical outcome (non-EO)?
    1. Empirical outcomes (EO’s) require an improved outcome in the form of quantitative data, and you must also include 2 EBP references in APA format to support the intervention described.
    2. Non-empirical outcome standards (non-EO’s) require evidence. The evidence should validate the structures and processes you have that demonstrate operationalization.
  2. Keep it simple and be concise. Use direct and simple language. Only tell them what the standard is asking for. You can even use bullet points in your narrative to help you be more direct and succinct in your writing for both the EO and non-EO formats.
  3. Utilize the same wording in the standard when describing in your example. This adds to the clarity of your response.
  4. The 2023 ANCC Magnet® Manual has analysts’ tips included for many of the SOEs. It is extremely helpful when it comes to writing to the standard.
  5. Spell out abbreviations or acronyms the first time you use them in the story. Some abbreviations and acronyms mean different things to different people, and the document needs to be clear to the appraisers. You do not want them to guess what an acronym may mean.
  6. For EO examples, make sure you follow the format in the 2023 Magnet® Manual. Each graph must include pre-intervention data, an implementation period, and three post-intervention data points. The title on the graph needs to match your goal statement.
  7. SE3, SE5, and SE7 focus on the action plan regarding BSN rate and certification rate – both at the organizational level and the unit or divisional level. There is no additional evidence required.
  8. Nursing retention is a key focus in the manual. In EP12EO you will need to establish a baseline turnover goal and meet a targeted year over year goal.
  9. Plan accordingly as the new manual requires many ambulatory examples. Ambulatory units include perioperative services, emergency departments, pain clinics, surgical centers, among many other examples.
  10. Frequently check the ANCC website for manual updates and FAQ’s. Put a reminder on your calendar at least every two months to check for updated FAQs.

Want More Tips?

While this is not an all-inclusive list, there are many tips to take into consideration when writing your document. I hope you find this article helpful. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or would like to learn how the Creative Health Care Management Culture of Excellence team can support you on your journey to excellence.


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