Relationship-Based Care® Designation

Relationship-Based Care® Designation

To develop an organization with a Relationship-Based culture takes passionate, focused work and organizations who do this work deserve validation and recognition. Relationship-Based Care Designation validates an organization’s commitment to creating and advancing their Relationship-Based Care culture through excellence in leadership, teamwork, professional practice, system design, and patient and family centered care delivery. Enculturation of Relationship-Based Care principles and values are achieved through relationships, structures, and processes which lead to excellence in care and sustained improvement in outcomes.
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Levels of Designation

Organizations choosing to pursue Relationship-Based Care Designation can select from two levels of designation. The Relationship-Based Care Designation period is granted for four years.

RBC Designation Logo

Relationship-Based Care Designation (RBC-D) validates the organization has met the basic criteria to demonstrate enculturation of Relationship-Based Care principles and values.



RBC Designation Distinction

Relationship-Based Care Designation with Distinction (RBC-DWD) validates the organization has enculturated the values and principles of Relationship-Based Care beyond nursing and patient care services and the organization supports enculturation of RBC principles and values by offering formal Creative Health Care Management (CHCM) licensed programs (Re-Igniting the Spirit of Caring, Leading and Empowered Organization, and/or See Me as a Person).

Relationship-Based Care Designation Eligibility Criteria

Organizations seeking Relationship-Based Care Designation must meet the following basic criteria by
date of self-study document submission:

  • Single-site submissions only. Organizations within the same system must submit separate intent
    to submit and self-study documents.
  • Provide proof of participation in at least 1 CHCM-facilitated event, held a CHCM licensed
    program offering, or CHCM consultation within the 18-month time period preceding self-study
  • Must be in compliance with all federal, state, and regulatory agency requirements.

  • Applicants must practice Relationship-Based Care for a minimum of 12 months to be eligible for designation.

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